Monday, February 25, 2013

What I've been up to

So last week, as always, we worked a bit more on leads, and then were split up into groups to do some research on a few different things.  In my group, we researched to see if it had any potential for the One Night Stand campaign, which it turns out, it didn't.  Kickstarter requires that a project have a definite goal and end, and that an actual product be made from it.  It does not allow charity or cause funding, so that kind of automatically means it won't allow this particular campaign.  After that, we worked on learning more about crowdfunding on the Music Think Tank blog, which gave us a lot of in depth information to work with. 

I also got an idea for a new anti bullying poster -- kind of going along the rather morbid lines of school shootings, taking it from the perspective of a first person shooter video game.  The wording needs work, but my general idea is to talk about how 'experts' blame video games for the violence, but that most students say school shootings are motivated by the desire for revenge against bullies.  Soon as I have a rough draft, I will post it for feedback.

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