Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sparking and other tasks

Yesterday, after working more on leads for Boston, Ron had an intern meeting that focused on what he calls "Sparking."  Basically, in this digital age, if anyone wants to know anything about anyone or anything, all they have to do is check it out on the internet.  This could be good or bad, depending on the reviews that are up online.  In the case of youtube, music artists can use this to their advantage, posting their own videos, and having many people (family, friends and fans) at many different IP addresses commenting on the videos positively, because if there are more comments (and views) on the video, even more people will watch and comment (this is how things go viral).  This also works for companies trying to be internet savvy, if they have their own PR people helping out and commenting or reviewing them positively from different IP addresses until their name or reputation is known, and then the internet machine takes care of the rest.  Its this PR people beginning the conversation that is the "spark."  
We also had a bit of a teamwork exercise yesterday, where we were split up into groups.  In my group, we had a series of random objects that we had to find a source for, online, in a physical store, wherever they were available.  This was to mimic the random tasks that people have to do in the music business, ie. always know exactly where and for how much you can get  a musicians particular brand of cologne in any city.  It was a fun exercise.

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