Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sorry for the delay!

Been awhile since I've been on here hasn't it... No new art yet really, though I have been working on some commissioned work.  Since I'm not really an intern at Esente anymore, I may just start a new blog, just to keep myself up to date on the interwebs. Check back and see, I certainly will continue posting artwork as I get it done.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good News!

So I kind of forgot to post yesterday... oops.  But I do have some great news!  It's official:  I'm staying at Esente!  For now, it's just a job collecting leads, of course I'm still doing a bit of artwork on the side as well, such as the internship blog graphic I did over this past weekend:
Let's just say, I'm extremely excited that I get to stay on here :)  In other good news, that video just keeps creeping on up to 60,000 views.  Last I saw it, it was right around 59,795.  A respectable number, I think.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Not much news to report today, except for a potential job here at Esente doing leads :) Could not be happier to either, just need to figure out how to work around my schedule at Sears, but I'm sure I can find a way to make it work.  No new art work to post yet, though I am working on a couple more blog promo graphics.  Fix You video seems to have a few more views, but still need about 333 more to break 60,000.  Do have a slightly updated version of one of my drunk driving posters, where the blurred text effect came out a bit more like I wanted it to.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What's going on at Esente

Haven't got much news to report today.  Did more leads.  The Fix You video is creeping ever closer to 60,000 views, really wish we could just get 350 more people to watch it already...
Got quite a bit done on my Jayna Fanart:
Feel pretty much done with it, at this point just waiting to do an art critique with Ron, as his feedback is usually pretty good.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Almost done

As it gets down to the last couple of weeks, I'm beginning to wonder what I am going to do with myself not coming in here 3 times a week anymore.  Thank goodness for the Intern 2.0 program, because the monotony of regular life outside of Esente is enough to drive you nuts.
Got some more posters done, and getting started on some fanart for Jayna.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Last few weeks... :(

Getting down to the last few weeks here, which is bittersweet to say the least.
The Fix You video I worked on is currently at over 59,000 views... W. O. W. That is awesome!!!!
Got some feedback on my art from Amanda, going to work on that and post them as they get done.  Yesterday I worked a bit one of my drunk driving posters:
I feel more less finished with it, though I'm sure Ron will have some great feedback to give me when he has a chance to do a critique for all the graphics interns.  Can't wait to hear what he thinks!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lately at Esente

Seems like we're getting down to the final weeks here at Esente, which means crunch time for many of my posters and other artwork.  Thankfully, I've done some reading up on how to properly use typography, so hopefully my use of text has improved.  Got quite a bit done/improved over the weekend, hopefully when we eventually get feedback the changes I've made turn out to be good ones.