Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Intern 2.0 Program

Lots of leads today, as we try to catch up on them.  At the intern meeting, which was full of hilarious talk of sex and porn scandals, Ron told us more about the intern 2.0 program.  He basically wanted to let us all know that it in no way affects the work we do in this internship, that he won't like any of us any more or less based on whether we do the 2.0 program.  I, personally, am really interested in continuing my internship, I love everything I have done so far and wouldn't mind keeping it up.  Just have to think of ideas for what I would do during it.
No new art to post as of yet, once again...
Though I am excited for this weekend, New York International Auto Show!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Not much news today at Esente, plenty more leads done.  Yesterday we also started making a list of bands for the One Night Stand campaign by finding band pages on ReverbNation.  Seems pretty easy to do so far, and it's interesting hearing all the different kinds of music people are playing on there.  No new art to post yet.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Fanart time!

So, finally got the video rendered out in HD, and gave it to Jenny so she could shrink it down for vimeo.  Hopefully it turned out well.
This weekend, I got to work a bit more on my Becca Fanart, having plenty of fun with it so far:

Just going to add some shading to it and maybe change up the background a bit, then put it into InDesign to make it look like a comic book cover :D

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Snow day yesterday!  So worked on the video some more at home, but as seems to be the process with projects like this, the final touches are what are taking the longest.  I'm trying to make it as high definition as possible, but with better picture comes longer rendering times, as I am actually waiting for my poor little laptop to render out a top-quality version of the video right now... kinda wish my desktop was more portable, because it's actually designed for projects like this.  But, at least we're at the home stretch at this point, just waiting on my old technology to get the job done.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fix You Video

More leads today, though not very successful today as Google Drive seemed to have some issues this morning.
Over the weekend, I was able to get a lot of work done on the video, and even got feedback from Ron, polished it a little more, and today seem to be doing just the final polishing up on it.  Hopefully by the end of the day I can say I am done with the video :)  Other than that, not much to really report, still have some work to do on some posters, and the fanart as well.  Will post as soon as I've got some updated images.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Worked on leads some more, seems like I've been flying through lists lately.  But the big project, the "Fix You" Video, is finally coming together.  I redid the last animation to make it a little more obvious what it's about:
Just have the last few seconds to figure out for the actual video, but should be pretty much done by next week :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What I've been up to.

Not much news to report today, mostly the same old stuff, lots of leads to plow through.  I did however update one of my anti-bullying posters, the text anyway, and finally feel like it at least looks somewhat right.

Still working more on the "Fix You" video too, will post updated version soon as I've gone through my little checklist of changes and tweaks :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Posters, fanart and more.

Busy weekend this time around.  Finally got some work done on my third anti-bullying poster, and pretty happy with it.

Also got around to some Becca Levy fanart, right now just an outline drawing, but soon going to color it in and give it a background to make it look like a comic book cover.

Also worked some more on the video, just need to fix one of the animations to be a little less ambiguous and then will post the next draft of it up.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Skipped blogging yesterday, a bit too much going on -- Becca Levy came by for a few days to record some videos for Indiegogo and Kickstarter.  Me and a few other interns actually got to leave leads for a bit to work with Becca on making these videos.  We basically just sat down to work on "scripts" (more outlines than actual scripts, to hopefully give the videos a more improvised feel).  It was for five different videos, and we watched a few different videos other people had put up on Indiegogo and Kickstarter to get ideas for what the most successful videos did and why they were successful.
Today, we all went over the "Fix You" draft I posted on youtube, and finally got down to some tweaks and fixes that need to be done to try to polish this video up a bit.  It's certainly safe to say that I have plenty to work on.
I also worked on two of the anti-bullying posters, specifically the text.  I can’t decide for the first one whether to keep the pink bars or not, and still not liking the font for villain one yet.

Guess I’ll just have to keep experimenting and seeing what works.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Activities Lately

Not much news to report today.  Got started on a couple of new art projects, just outlines to start drawing over digitally, not really anything ready to be posted for feedback yet.  Worked more on leads today, found using the Google Maps method gets me a lot more leads much more quickly than using Manta, though it is a bit more disorganized compared to using the Manta lists. 
Over the weekend I was happy to hear that everyone at the office got to see the draft of the “Fix You” video I put up, and that it seems to be going in the right direction.  Can’t wait to get it polished up and finally finished, and I’m sure the other interns who worked on it with me would like to see the final product as well.
I’ve also started to use the “modulate” method that Ron was talking about last time, but I’m finding myself blown away by just how much I have done so far in these few short months, which is definitely a good thing, though I can’t wait to start getting ideas for how to word the “modules” to really boost up my resume.